ココ、ルル、ミミ、モモのこと 奥田 昌寿
被災動物のサポートができるようご支援をいただい た皆様、4匹をお世話してくださったシェルターボラ ンティアさん、本当にありがとうございました!
About Koko, Lulu, Mimi and Momo Masatoshi Okuda
Seven months had passed since the earthquake, but animals were still in need of support in the affected areas. Even so, ARK staff saw a ray of sunshine peek through the dark clouds when news came from the family of four cats we were minding – the family had everything ready for the cats to go home! It had only been two months since the cats came to ARK. The landlord of the no-pet housing the family had moved into showed compassion for their plight and allowed them to have their beloved cats, whom they described as their “children”. The landlord must have realized how much the family loved their cats. Staff hurried to get everything ready and wasted no time in reuniting the cats with their family.
Cats are often described as unable to adjust to change easily, but these four were relieved the minute they caught sight of their family and immediately started checking out their new home, using the litter tray and relaxing! For our part, being part of that superbly happy scene made us truly delighted that we had been of help.
We would like to thank everyone who helped support our relief efforts, as well as the volunteers who looked after the four cats!