西山ゆう子先生のシェルター・メディスン 〜シェルターで暮らすシニア動物のケア〜
治癒の見込みがない場合、介護者はその動物が安らぎを感じられるよう快適な状態に保つことができるかどうかを判断する必要があります。動物が苦しむことなくそのまま息を引き取る場合もありますが 、嘔吐や発作、その他の不快感や痛みを引き起こす病気もあります。安楽死を含む終末期医療は、獣医師の指導の下に行うべきで、もしそうしなければ気付かないうちに医療的なネグレクトになりかねないのです。
これらの病気は深刻なものかもしれないし、そうでないかもしれませんが、犬は年を取るとしこりやこぶができることが多いです。これらは単なるいぼの一種かもしれないので 、検査を受けてください。良性であっても、場所によっては犬を悩ませるかもしれません。
Shelter Medicine with Dr Yuko Nishiyama Caring for Older Animals in a Shelter Environment
Dr Yuko Nishiyama, DVM, once again shared her extensive knowledge of shelter medicine with ARK staff in a lecture on the care of older animals – a subject near and dear to our hearts, with the percentage of animals ten years or older running at just over 30% of the total.
Staff from Nose, Sasayama and Tokyo were joined by two members of the board of directors. The lecture provided practical advice for the shelter environment which may easily be adapted for those of you caring for older animals at home.
Older animals should be in a quiet, easily accessible area where they can be monitored. Health care records are always helpful when consulting a veterinarian. Keeping records of food intake, bowel and bladder movements, as well as body temperature and weight can be very helpful. The number of meals the animal has each day can be adjusted to find the right number and amount for each one. Foster arrangements, where the animal can be monitored both day and night, are also worth considering.
Whether an older animal lives in a shelter or private home, the vet- erinarian’s involvement is vital. The first step will be an accurate diagnosis of any illness. With a younger animal, the shelter’s goal will be to treat the illness and find a home, but the goal should be made equally clear with older animals. The shelter or owner must think about whether or not treatment, if available, is appropriate. The cost and efficacy of the medication will be factors in the decision, as will the animal’s general state of health.
When there is no hope of a cure, carers need to decide whether or not the animal can be made and kept comfortable. There are cases when an animal is likely to simply fade away without suffering, but there are also illnesses which cause vomiting, fits or other discomfort or pain for the animal. End of life care, including euthanasia, should be carried out under the guidance of a veterinarian. Indeed, not doing so can lead to neglect, albeit inadvertent.
Older animals often experience problems with their joints. These may be difficult to recognise, but the carer needs to take note if the animal loses mobility. Some problems are more common in certain breeds. There are several approaches your vet might suggest – supplements, massage and medication among them. An appropriate mattress or diet changes may also be indicated. If the animal has mobility issues, the carer should change its position often.
Heart and kidney problems are also common in older animals. A cough is often an early indicator. Again, a clear diagnosis and monitoring are essential. Medication will usually be prescribed.
Cats are prone to kidney problems. They may start to drink and urinate large amounts. They can also suffer anaemia, vomiting and fits. Cats also often suffer with urinary tract issues and lymphoma, so the carer should not simply assume kidney disease if the cat starts drinking a lot.
These may or may not be serious, but dogs often get lumps and bumps as they age. Please have these checked – they may simply be a form of warts. Even if they are benign, they may bother the dog, depending on their location.
We all need to remember that appropriate diagnosis and care for aging animals can vastly improve the quality of their lives.