被災犬紹介 Introducing

ヘムズリー/ Hemsley  17y ♂


Known affectionately to the staff as “Hem-hem”, Hemsley seemed to be quite the stubborn old man when he first arrived at ARK. He was a little wary of us and seemed to avoid contact, but at 17, he was in need of help and assistance. “I can do things by myself. Don’t touch me!”, he seemed to say. He must have been really terrified during the earthquake and its aftermath, then had to come to a faraway place with people he didn’t know. His response to his circumstances is totally understandable.

The grouchy old guy has slowly started to change. He loves his walks, so when a staff member comes into his enclosure, he comes over of his own accord, with his front legs ever so slightly skipping for joy. We know he’s telling us he’s happy to see us.

He doesn’t complain when we touch him now, either. He drifts off to sleep while we brush him and wipe his eyes.

We all respect him for coming all the way to ARK and learning to fit in. We really hope there’s an adopter out there who would love to live with him!

エイト/ Eight  8y ♂


When Eight’s family moved from the earthquake zone, their new home didn’t allow dogs, so they asked ARK to keep their beloved dog safe until they are able to live with him again. Eight had run away from home when the earthquake struck, but his family did not give up on him and searched until they found him. It took two weeks.

Eight was confused by his surroundings when he first arrived at ARK, but soon got used to it and started showing his affectionate side. He’s got a fun-loving, “let’s play!” side as well as a very typical Shiba Inuside. We love him just as he is!

When his family comes to see him, we get to see a side of him that he doesn’t usually let us see! He is just so happy! Seeing him prance around with them really makes us smile! His time with them seems to go too quickly. He looks really sad and cries a bit when they leave.

Eight had a terrifying experience and then ended up away from his family; we know he must be really sad and anxious at times. We will take very good care of him until they come back for him. We’re hoping that day will come very soon.

エディソン/ Edison  14y  ♂


Edison came to ARK because the earthquake made it impossible for his family to keep him.
We heard that he was so timid that he would panic, but we have seen no sign of this at all, in fact he’s always been ready to greet us in a friendly way.

He used to be an outside dog, but these days he likes nothing better than a warm blanket and heater.
He’s so sprightly on his walks that it’s hard to believe he’s an older dog, so he’s very popular with volunteers.
The only issue we have with him is his pickiness with food. “I don’t like this. Bring me something tastier.”, he seems to say… almost every day! We are struggling to find something he likes!
At 14, he’s an older dog and we truly feel for him having lived through a terrifying experience and the anxiety it must have caused. We hope he’ll feel happy and safe for the rest of his days.

あずき/ Azuki  8y ♂

被災によりペット不可の住宅に避難されるため、ペット可の住宅に移るまでの間、アークでお預かりすることとなったあずきくん。1月17日に能勢で受け入れ、1月29日に篠山へ移動してきました。 初めは少し不安そうな表情で用意していた犬舎でも、部屋の境目が怖くてへっぴり腰になっていました。「怖くないよ、こっちにおいで。」と声をかけると、最初はぎこちなかったものの、すぐに行ったり来たりできるようになりました。食いしん坊で初日からごはんもよく食べ、人見知りなく誰にでもフレンドリーなあずきくん。ボランティアさんにも大人気です。 ドッグランでは、毎日思いっきり走り回り、元気にお散歩しています。 1日でも早く、安心してご家族と過ごせますように。お迎えの日まで、大切にお世話させていただきます。

When Azuki’s family moved away from the earthquake zone into no-pet housing, they asked ARK to keep him safe for them until they could come and get him. He came to Nose on January 17 and moved to Sasayama on January 29.

Azuki seemed quite stressed at first and could barely cross the threshold of his enclosure without slinking to the ground. He was nervous at first when we called out “come here! Don’t be scared!” and seemed a bit at odds, but soon learnt to go back and forth with no fear. He has a wonderful appetite and ate well from the first day. He loves people and is charming to all. He’s very popular with our volunteers.

He loves the dog run and races around it every day! He also loves his walks.

We’re hoping he will be reunited with his family very soon. We’ll look after him very well until that day comes.