能登半島地震について 奥田 昌寿
発災後、ほどなくして地元の獣医師会が発表した1ヶ月の無償預かりは、きちんと機能していると思いますが、すでにその短すぎる期限を迎えてし まった飼い主さんもいるのではないでしょうか。その方々が問い合わせる 県内の窓口が閉ざされていないことを切に願います。県外には、被災ペッ トたちを救う用意がある団体がアークを含めて幾つかあります。しかし、 そのような支援を受けられることをまだご存知ない方がたくさんいらっ しゃるように感じます。どうか、県内の関係先で解決できない状況があ るのであれば、そういった団体に支援の要請をお願いします。しかもそれは、早いに越したことはないのです。
The Noto Earthquake and its Aftermath Masatoshi Okuda
ARK would like to extend our sympathy to everyone affected by the Noto Earthquake.
Four months have passed since ARK announced its commitment to helping animals from the disaster zone on January 5.
While news of recovery efforts abound, we feel enormous concern for the many residents and their pets who are still in dire circumstances: unable to stay in damaged housing, many have no choice but to live in their cars with their pets, or keep their pets in their cars without them. We are deeply concerned about their quality of life.
Shortly after the earthquake struck, the local veterinary association announced that it would care for animals free of charge for one month. While laudable, the system falls short: surely many owners have already exceeded the one month limit. I can only hope that those affected have access to further consultation within the prefecture. There are a number of organizations based outside Ishikawa Prefecture, including ARK, that are ready and willing to help, but we believe that many people in need of help do not know it is available. We can only hope that these people will reach out to us as soon as they can.
Looking back on our experience with other earthquakes, such as the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake, local pounds had exceeded capacity within six months.
A wide net was cast to find placements for these animals, but as ARK knows both from our own experience and media reports, many pets were destroyed because they could not be distinguished from strays. More suffered illness and injury from excessive stress and fighting caused by overcrowding in these facilities.
These issues are not restricted to public pounds: they are rife in any facility which does not have the ability to cope with animals en masse. The facilities themselves become hell holes.
It must also be noted that rescuers and rescue facilities need more than just the will to help. They need wisdom and knowledge of large group animal handling. Sick and unvaccinated animals must be separated and the behaviour of all animals must be carefully assessed and monitored for changes and attention given to needs pertaining to personnel, space, time and cost. When cats come from areas where most cats are allowed outdoors, care must be taken not to spread feline AIDS or leukemia. This is an issue of extreme concern to us in the current circumstances.
If the daily tasks necessary for handling animals en masse are not taken seriously, animals will suffer. It is high time that the public and private sectors worked towards a rational alliance.