放課後ハウスバンビーノさんでのお話  篠山アーク 西瀧 さくら


関西で子どもたちに話をする機会は少なく、私にとって初めての経験でした。 子どもたちに伝えたい思いはたくさんありましたが、どのような言葉で伝えたらいいのかとても悩みました。保護犬、保護猫にはどうして飼い主さんがいないのか?家族を失った動物たちはどんな気持ちになるのか?悲しい思いをさせないためにどうしたらいいのか?一緒に考えてもらいました。



これからの社会を担っていく子どもたち。 たくさんの選択を知って、命に触れ、考えるきっかけになれたらうれしく思います。動物たちにとってやさしい社会になるよう、みんなで一緒に取り組んでいきたいです。

ペットショップは街中でたくさん見かける機会がありますが、保護施設に足を運ぶ機会は少ないと思います。保護施設がもっと身近な存在になるよう、今後もこのような啓蒙活動を積極的に行っていきたいです。 バンビーノの皆様、貴重な機会を頂きありがとうございました。また機会がございましたら是非よろしくお願いいたします。

House Bambino After School Care Sakura Nishitaki, Sasayama ARK

I was offered the exciting opportunity to speak to a group of pri- mary students about animal welfare at House Bambino After School Care. I took Jasper from Sasayama ARK with me.

We have not had many opportunities to speak with students in Kansai – in fact it was my first time. There were so many things I wanted to say, but had to really think about the best way to get my message across. I had the students think about some important questions with me: why don’t some animals have owners? How do animals who’ve lost their families feel? What can we do to make sure they are not sad?

Not many of the children had pets, nor did they have the opportunity to be around animals often. They listened keenly to the reasons for shelters to exist and the difference between animals in them and pet shops. Their kind, unaffected outlook was a wonderful learning experience for me, too.

The students wrote down their impressions: “I want to value animals”, “I think it’s really sad when animals are separated from their families”, “I’ll think really carefully before I ever have a pet”, “I want lots of people to know about rescued animals”, “I want to be a volunteer”… I was delighted to see that they had really taken in what I most wanted to impart to them.

Children are the future. I really hope my lesson will be a catalyst for them to think about all lives and the choices they can make. I hope to join them in making the world a kinder place for animals.

We have many chances to see pet shops in towns and cities, but rarely to see shelters. I would like to see shelters become more familiar places and hope to be a part of making this happen. I would like to thank everyone at Bambino for a truly special opportunity. I hope we can do it again!

児童からの手紙 / Letters from students