
1ヶ月が経ち、ジェムはうちでの生活にもだいぶ慣れてきてくれました。名前を呼ぶと返事しながらこっちへ来てくれるようになり、本当にかわいいです。人が寝ようとするとベッドへついてきて、枕元で添い寝もしてくれます。とにかく元気で、よく家の中を走り回っています。 直線をすごいスピードで走ってきて、角や壁際でドリフトしているので、夫からはドリフト族と呼ばれています。 運動量が多いですが、ふとしに負けじとご飯はしっかり食べるので、 家に来た当初よりは少しふっくらしてきました。ふとしと小競り合いはあるものの大きな喧嘩はなく、ご飯の奪い合いもなく、何かと近くの距離にいることが多いので、仲はまずまずなのかと思っています。 だいたいジェムの方が挑戦的な態度ですが、ふとしはもう11歳なので「仕方ないなぁ」という顔をして付き合ってくれています。


  • パソコンのすぐ近くに座り込んで宿題の邪魔をする
  • 爪とぎはソファーでする
  • お互いのご飯を盗み食いし合う
  • 添い寝して人間を寝かしつける(枕元担当ジェム 足下担当ふとし)


Futoshi & Gem

Gem has quickly adapted to life in our home after just a month. When we call her name, she comes to us, answering our call while she does so in the most adorable way. When one of us goes to bed, she immediately positions herself on our pillow, so she can sleep very close to us. She is really fit and well, and runs around the house at will. She runs so quickly in a straight line that her back legs sometimes drift around corners and edges! My husband calls her “the drift tribe”. She gets a great deal of exercise, but eats as much as Futoshi! We think she’s actually gained a little weight since she arrived here.

Futoshi and Gem have a scuffle every now and then, but no real fights – they don’t even fight over whose food is whose. Futoshi is 11 now, so when Gem gives him attitude, he just goes along with it, as if to say, “oh well, whatever…”. This is what Gem has learnt from him in the last month:

・sitting near the computer to interrupt homework
・sharpening her claws on the sofa
・snitching each other’s food
・putting the humans to bed by sleeping right next to them (Gem is in charge of the pillow and Futoshi, the feet)

We would very pleased if Futoshi taught Gem to let the humans clip her claws, but that is still a work in progress.
We know the staff of ARK are working hard even in the heat. Please take care of yourselves!




先日2回目の健康診断を終えました。来る前に悪性乳腺腫瘍の摘出がされていたので肺やその他器官への転移を心配していたのですが転移なしで安心しました。血液検査・尿検査ともにこれまでの値と比較しても悪化傾向では ないので、経過観察でよいとのことでした。また左瞼上のイボも眼球には悪さをしていないのでこれも経過観察 で良いとのことでした。日常は朝昼夕晩の4回の散歩とタオルの引っ張りっこがお気に入りです。いつもニコニコのワルツがいるので、家じゅうが明るくなりました。ありがとうございました。これから梅雨時でワンちゃんたちの散歩など大変な季節ですが皆様の益々のご活躍をお祈り申し上げます。


Greetings! Waltz is truly showing her tomboy side! She’s just had her second health check. She had a malignant mammary tumour removed before she came, so we wanted to make sure there were no metastases to the lungs or other organs, but were relieved to get the all clear! None of the blood or urine tests showed negative trends, so we’re just keeping an eye on things. Waltz likes to go for 4 walks a day and loves playing tug of war with a towel. Our whole home is a brighter place thanks to her – thank you so much! We know the staff have a hard job as we head towards the rainy season but pray for your continued success.




アロハと家族になって1 ヶ月余りが過ぎました。お陰様で大きな問題もなく、機嫌よく暮らしています。ただ少しわがままが出てきて、ベッドや座布団の上にジャーとオシッコを掛ける事が、数回ありました。構ってアピールなのか?分かりませんが、心配な時間帯はマナーオムツを付けるようにしています。食いしん坊とストーカーのように追っかけをするのは、なかなか直らないのですが、甘えて来てくれるのは本当に嬉しく幸せな気持ちになります。気管虚脱の咳はお薬でコントロール出来ていて、定期的に診察も受けていますので、ご安心ください。それから同じ動物病院で頼んだシャンプーでも、とてもお利口だったようです。こんな感じでアロハ中心?の楽しい毎日を送っています。これからもっともっと可愛くなっていくと思います。写真も送りますので、ご覧になって下さい。ではまた近況報告いたします。


Dear ARK staff,
I hope you are all well in this extreme heat. It has been a month since I welcomed Aloha. He seems to be really enjoying every day in his new home.
He has even started showing us some self-indulgence! He’s peed on the futon a few times. I think he wants attention. We sometimes have him wear an etiquette belt if we are worried about it. He’s really in love with food and stalks us to get what he wants, but it’s such a pleasure to have him be affectionate that we really don’t mind. His cough is under control with medication, but we will be sure to keep up the regular vet visits, so please don’t worry. We have also been having him shampooed at the vet’s. He’s a perfect gentleman throughout!
We couldn’t be happier with our new Aloha-centred lifestyle. We know we’ll adore him even more as time goes by. Please enjoy the photos!




ビビりなところは変わってませんが散歩の前のお誘いが、日に日に激しくなってます。朝6時になったら部屋の真ん中にお座りしてチョンと待ってます。私が「 おはよう」と言うとオハヨと言います。(そう聞こえます。)あとはクルクル私のそばを回ってせき立てます。甘噛みもします。玄関に出てもクルクル回ってはしゃいでなかなかハーネスを付けさせて貰えませんが、すごく楽しそうにしてくれます。私はマナとのコレが楽しみで毎朝早起きしてます。

相変わらず、気管が狭いからか少しはしゃぐとゴホゴホいってます。普段は大丈夫ですが、ちょっと心配な時もあります。でも私たちは、毎日毎日が楽しみで、スマホで孫の写真も撮ったことがない夫もマナの写真はじゃんじゃん撮って送ってきます。本当に愛おしい子です。先月推定 5 歳になりました。夏用のベッドをプレゼントしました。写真を送ります。ARKの皆様によろしくお伝えください。

Mana(formerly Mulberry)

Mana has been part of our family now for 4 months. She’s really relaxed now – stretching out to sleep, eating treats and even saying “bow-wow”. We had thought she didn’t bark, so we were really surprised!

She’s still timid, but she’s more determined each day when she asks us to take her for a walk. At 6 am, she’s sitting bolt upright in the middle of the room waiting! When I say “good morning”, she greets me right back! Anyway, that’s how it seems to me… She dances around me and hurries me up. She sometimes gives me a gentle nip, too. I love each morning I spend with Mana!

Her airway is a little narrow, so when she gets over excited, she coughs. She’s usually fine, but sometimes we worry. But we look forward to every day. My husband has never even taken photos of our grandchildren with his phone, but he has loads of photos of our beloved Mana. She really is adorable.

She had her (estimated) fifth birthday last month, so we bought her a new summer bed as a birthday present. I’m enclosing photographs.
Please give my regards to the staff.





追伸 何故か父親にだけ吠えて、父親がすごく落ち込んでます。

Yakumo (formerly Maple)

Greetings from Maple’s family. Three months have flown by since Maple, now named Yakumo, joined our family. He has really settled in and is doing wonderfully well. He loves food, especially treats. When he wants affection, he really shows us so by rubbing around us and sticking to us like glue, but if we do the same, there’s trouble! He’s very popular with everyone on his morning walks and is greeted by numerous people. He only goes near those who give him treats, though! We took him to a dog run recently and thought he would run around, but he just wandered and didn’t look very impressed. He loves walks, but doesn’t really like to stay in one spot. But when we get home from places he doesn’t usually go to, he sleeps like a log!

We’re hoping to take him to lots of new places when the weather cools down. It will be hot for a while yet, so we’re hoping ARK staff will take care of themselves. We’ll write again soon.
PS Yakumo still barks at dad, which the latter finds really depressing!