




アークのHP等でも里親会の告知は行っていましたが、きんつばの母さんお手製の張り紙や、会場周辺へのお声がけによる宣伝の効果は、私たちも頭が下がる思いでした。 更に当日はご近所で食堂を経営されている「食堂ripple」さんのご協力のもと、飲食ブースも設置しました。 密かにこちらでの食事も楽しみにしていたアークスタッフでしたが、私たちが口にする間も無く完売となるほどの盛況振りでした。 参加動物たちは人の多さに圧倒されている様子ではありましたが、皆さん優しく接して下さり、後日改めてアークまで足を運んでくださった方もいらっしゃいました。

どちらの会場もアークの動物たちとのご縁を繋ぐきっかけの場として、また私たちの活動を多くの皆さんに知っていただく場として不定期ではありますが、今後も開催を継続したいと考えていますので、お近くの方はぜひお立ち寄りいただ けましたら幸いです。


New Venues for Adoption Fairs

Each month, ARK holds several adoption fairs in both Kanto and Kansai. We are pleased to announce that two new venues have been added to the Kansai circuit.

Yodogawa Chuo Animal Hospital looks after the medical needs of our animals on a regular basis. We were
delighted when one of the trimming staff suggested that we do fairs there and Director, Dr Sugaki, graciously agreed.

We have held three fairs at YCAH since March. The patient community has been exceptionally supportive, bringing donations of cash and animal-related goods. We are impressed each time by the level of interest in rescued animals.

YCAH is kind enough to have us there during their busy working day – fairs are held between morning and afternoon clinic hours. It is a very popular, busy clinic, but the staff devote their break time and the time they need to prepare for the afternoon to running the fairs.

The second venue is “Kintsuba Dog Run”. You might recognize the name “Kintsuba” as that of an ARK alum.
Kintsuba’s adoptive mother offered her recently renovated home and garden as a site for adoption fairs.

ARK staff visited Kintsuba’s home several times when the renovations were underway and were able to offer advice about fenc- ing, etc. As a result, Kintsuba’s Dog Run is a perfect venue for an adoption fair venue.

The weather wasn’t kind to us on the day of the fair, but many of Kintsuba’s neighbour came and helped make the day a success. ARK advertised the fair, but Kintsuba’s mother did most of the legwork with handcrafted flyers and posters.

We were also delighted to have a food booth run by the nearby “Shokudo Ripple”. We’ll admit that the staff were looking forward to the delicious food, but barely had time to see it before it was sold out!

Our participating animals were a little surprised at the number of people, but they were all kind and gentle and soon put the animals at ease. Some came to visit ARK after the event.