


皮膚状態を正しく診断するために、獣医師は動物の食餌、環境、シャンプ ーの頻度、問題の現れ方、その他の健康上の問題点等、個体の症状や生活環境を細かくアセスメントします。次に獣医師は、個体の評価に基づき、最も可能性の高い原因を特定し治療を開始します。原因を仮説し治療を進め、症状が緩和あるいは完治した場合に原因判明、緩和あるいは完治が認められなかった場合は、行った治療を除外し、別の仮説を立て新たに治療を始めます。また白癬やアカラスなど、皮膚外傷の一般的な原因を除外することも重要です。分野が絞られたら、獣医師は通常、生検やパッチテストなどの手法で診断を確定します。また皮膚トラブルの主な原因や、人に感染する恐れのある病原菌など押さえておくべき皮膚疾患についてもご説明いただきました。


Shelter Medicine with Dr Yuko Nishiyama – Dermatological Problems

Shelter staff were delighted to welcome Dr Yuko Nishiyama, DVM, for another informative, practical lecture. This time, she focussed on dermatological issues that commonly affect shelter animals.

We learnt NOT to assume that skin problems are caused by allergies. Numerous factors, singularly or in combination, can cause itching, inflammation or other discomfort in animals. These factors may include allergies to food, parasites and environmental factors. They may also be infectious, physiological or stress-related. Certain breeds may be prone to skin problems.

To correctly diagnose skin problems, a vet will need to examine the animal’s diet, environment, frequency of shampoos and how the problem manifests itself as well as any other health issues noted. The next step will be for the vet to draw on experience in determining the most likely cause and attempting to treat it. The diagnosis can be confirmed by successful treatment. It is also important to exclude common causes of skin trauma, like ringworm or acarus. When the field is narrowed, the vet will usually confirm diagnosis using techniques such as biopsies or patch tests. After a clear explanation of each of the main causes of skin issues, Dr Nishiyama explained which of them can be transmitted to humans. She then discussed the best ways to approach skin problems, especially in shelter animals.

When animals come to ARK’s shelter, they are placed in quarantine, whether or not there is obvious skin trauma. They undergo flea and tick prevention treatment and medicated shampoos. Animals are observed closely. We closely follow the procedures recommended by Dr Nishiyama and fully concur with her that the best medicine for any animal is a forever home.