猫の多頭飼育は何頭までが適正か? 岡本ジュリー



NPO法人群馬わんにゃんネットワークでは、これまで数十頭の猫がいる家に立ち入ることはよくありましたが、昨年10月に行ったレスキューでは天文学的な数の猫たちに出会うことになりました。何と一軒家の住居に 170匹もの猫が暮らしていたのです!






How many cats is too many?    Julie Okamoto

Many cat lovers have more than one feline friend. Ernest Hemingway’s contention that “one cat leads to another” is close to many of our hearts.

Most “hoarders” probably start with 2 cats, whose numbers swell and get out of control. Some probably started by rescuing strays, but also found themselves with too many.

Gumma Wan Nyan Network has been called to homes with tens of cats on countless occasions, but in a recent rescue, the number of cats was astronomical: a single dwelling, with a single occupant, had no less than 170 cats in it!

When the homeowner was hospitalized, leaving the cats with no water or air conditioning, heat and dehydration took its toll. Gumma Wan Nyan cleaned the home, making it safe and habitable for the cats, then ferried them in groups for neutering and medical checks. This mammoth task was followed by another – working with the owner to identify the cats and start the rehoming process.

When Tokyo ARK visited the home in late February, there were still 140 cats in the house. We were shocked to hear that the owner had been “intrigued by the different colours, patterns and tailshapes of the kittens born there”. He apparently enjoyed seeing the cats’ numbers grow and even seemed proud of himself.

The cats have all been born in the last four years. Thanks to Gumma Wan Nyan Network, they are now well-fed and have clean litter trays. ARK has taken in and rehomed some of the cats and will continue to do so.

170 cats in one house, albeit a stately one, is clearly too many by any account. While the numbers are more astounding than most, this is not an isolated case. Not all end well for the animals concerned. The laws relating to animal ownership are topical at the moment, with people convicted of animal abuse maintaining the right to possession of their victims under current laws. Animal hoarding is cruelty, regardless of intent.

Hoarding is deeply rooted in the health – or lack thereof – not only of the individual, but also of society itself. Its solution requires a coordinated approach and cooperation between the public and private sectors.