広がる企業支援の輪 奥田 昌寿
皆様からのご支援を受けて美しく生まれ変わった部屋は「Smile Room」と名付け、今後も行き場のない動物たちのために最大限有効活用してきたいと考えています。「人も動物もみんなが笑顔に」をコンセプトに作られたこの空間がたくさんの笑顔で溢れるようスタッフ一同、努めていく所存です。現在、動物たちの収容も完了し、日々快適な空間でスタッフは動物たちのお世話をしています。「Smile Room」からシェルターで暮らす動物たちにたくさんのご縁が繋がるよう皆様、応援のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
最後に、近ごろ大変ありがたいことに様々な業種の企業から支援についてのお問い合わせが増えています。 自社の商品の寄贈、売上からの寄付、社内での支援チームの結成など方法は様々で、ますます保護犬・保護猫への支援は広がりを見せています。アークでは協賛企業も募集していますので、是非、興味のある方はお問い合わせください。
Widening the Circle of Support Masatoshi Okuda
ARK has been in operation for more than thirty years, during which time we have had
occasion to think about our aging facilities more than once. It has usually been cost that deterred us from seriously considering renovations, but it hasn’t simply been building costs: we have been concerned about the impact of construction on workflow. We also needed to consider the size and type of equipment that could come on site. Of course, timing is important. Depending on the scale, renovations may necessitate moving some of our animals.
Probably like all animal welfare associations, we rarely have time to devote to projects outside the normal performance of our duties.
The area we renovated had long been on the staff “to do” list. The original area, which saw many lives saved, was well past its prime. It had become untenable as a safe space for our animals and was recently used only for storage.
We started discussions of how we would like to use the space some years back, but as mentioned above, costs were a concern.
Just at the right time, Panasonic Housing Solutions, a company which has supported our work in the past, made us a wonderful offer – they provided us with high-grade, animal friendly building materials we needed for renovation. London JAWS came to the rescue with a generous donation to cover building costs. We are deeply grateful to Panasonic Housing Solutions, London JAWS and the contractors who worked hard even in the heat to bring this project to fruition.
Our beautiful new area has been dubbed “the Smile Room”. It will provide a temporary home to many rescued animals. Staff are determined to make it an area which brings smiles to the faces of both animals and people, as befitting its concept. We ask your continued support as we work to find forever homes.
We are deeply grateful to have the support of corporate entities from a variety of fields offering expertise, donations of products, financial support and forming animal support teams to help rescued animals.
If your company would like to get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us!