子供達の未来のために/大阪アークスタッフ 奥田昌寿
ここ数年、テレワークの普及に伴い、オンラインでの会議や商談が 一般的になりました。現場に出向き対面でコニュニケーションをとる有用性も忘れてはなりませんが、時間や場所に縛られない新たなワーキングスタイルの登場で、アークの活動も幅が広がったと感じています。
篠山アークがある兵庫県では、『トライやるウィーク』と呼ばれる職業体験を毎年実施しており全国の中学校でも同じような方法で、働くことについて考える機会を学生に与えています。私達も大学、専門学校、高等学校、中学校から実習などの依頼があれば、積極的に学生の受け入れを行ってきました。しかし、コロナ禍で多くの企業が実習の受け入れを一時的に制限せざるを得ない時期があり、学生達は学びの機会を失うことになりました。アークでも同じく受け入れを見合わせる時期があったのは言うまでもありません。学業における単位取得の方法や職業の選択肢が多様化している中、このような取り組みが実施できなかったのは 非常に残念なことです。
私達も従来の実施方法では立地的にお会いできなかったであろう学生達とお話ができ、また10代前半の彼らが今、どんなことを考えているのか、 テレビ放送でもよく見かけるようになった動物保護という世界をどう見ているのか、その一端を知ることができ、大変良い刺激を受けました。学生の質問は多岐に渡るものの、時間が限られているため全ての質問にお答えできないことがいつも心残りです。ペットの殺処分について、引き取った動物達のエピソード、多頭飼育崩壊の原因について、様々な質問がいつも私達に投げかけられます。中にはお答えするのに悩むようなキワどい質問、例えば給与についてなんてものもありました。オンラインで繋がった学生にはアークの仕事についてはもちろんのこと、私が学生時代に取り組んでいたクラブ活動での経験や今の好きなものを大切にしてほしいという内容のお話しをすることが多かったのですが、これから先、私がお伝 えしたことが少しでも皆さんのお役に立てば嬉しいです。
For tomorrow’s adults Masatoshi Okuda (Osaka ARK staff)
With teleworking and online meetings firmly rooted in our so- ciety as the new normal, ARK has developed a work-ex- perience for young people focussing on the future careers. While not forgetting the importance of physically visiting our facilities and communicating face-to-face, for the past few years, ARK has invited these young people to visit our facilities via video link as part of their studies.
The program is the brainchild of LearnMore KK (https://www. learn-more.co.jp/), which has collated and developed materials for junior high school students. Their representative, who volun- teered at ARK, brought this project to fruition. We are very grateful for the opportunities this program presents.
Our Sasayama facility invites students from occupational schools and high schools to join a work-experience week every year. We were delighted to add junior high school students to the mix. COVID brought restrictions on time and content. We did not want to deny young people work-experience opportunities amidst in- creased flexibility by schools in accreditation.
Taking these factors into account, we commenced our online work-experience program. Prior to COVID, most students were restricted to local industries; now the Internet offers global op- portunities. In face-to-face programs, age differences between students and staff of the companies they are visiting often make it difficult for students to ask candid questions while trying to con- duct unfamiliar tasks.
By contrast, an online work-experience program facilitates an en- vironment in which students can watch a video explaining staff members’ work content and reasons for choosing their employ- ment, then ask questions which the staff can answer by relating their experience at the age of the participants. As the proverb “a picture is worth a thousand words” tells us, the importance of onsite experience is undeniable, but the opportunity to discover, contemplate and talk about one’s choices at an age when they are still tentative is invaluable.
By meeting students we probably wouldn’t have met on a traditional workexperience program, we were able to hear what people in their early teens about animal welfare, which they now hear about on TV. This was particularly stimulating for us. The students questions covered a broad range of topics. We were sorry that time constraints meant that we were unable to answer all of them. We were asked about euthanasia, anecdotes about animals we had taken in, the reasons behind animals and questions that we struggled to answer.
I spoke not just about my work, but also about my own experi- ence, including club activities, at their age and sincerely hope that the information I imparted will benefit them in some way.
Education is one of the pillars of ARK’s foundations.We are happy to be of service whenever we can. Please feel free to contact us!