女王陛下の思い出 エリザベス・オリバー
しかし、ただ馬や犬を飼うだけではなく、女王は動物福祉の向上に積極的に関わっておられました。代表的なものとして、女王は英国王立動物虐待防止協会(The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, RSPCA)および王立獣医師協会(Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, RCVS)の後援者であり、ロンドン動物園にいる野生動物のスポンサーでした。
カミラ王 妃もまた、ロンドンにある英国最古の動物保護施設であるバタシードッグズ&キャッツホーム(Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)の後援者をされています。カミラ王妃がエリザベス女王の志を継いでくださると思うと、心温まる思いがします。
Memories of Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth Oliver
One of the most poignant moments in the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth, was the sight of her beloved Fell pony, Emma, standing with her head bowed alongside the funeral route as the procession passed by. Emma was regularly ridden by the Queen, even into her nineties.
Queen Elizabeth’s passion for horses began at an early age. Her first horse, a Shetland was a gift at just age 4. Over the years, she owned over 100. Her other passion was dogs; again she was gifted with her first dog, a Corgi named Susan for her 18th birthday, and again over the years owned a huge array of Corgis, Dorgis and Dachshunds. They travelled everywhere with her and were
often seen greeting people inside Buckingham Palace.
But apart from just ownership, the Queen was actively involved in animal welfare. Among others, she was a patron of the RSPCA and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the RCVS and as a sponsor of wild animals at London zoo.
It is heart-warming to know that our future Queen Consort, Camilla, will be following her footsteps, as she is also a patron of Britain’s oldest animal home, Battersea Dog and Cats Home, in London.