バジャーからの手紙 122

世の中もずいぶん変わったものだね。1995年に起こった阪神淡路大 震災では、何千人もの人が命を落としたり、ケガをしたり、家を失ったりした。当時は、海外からの救助隊、特に救助犬を連れたチームが来 ることはめずらしかったんだ。でも、スイスは数時間以内に、25人の隊員と12匹の救助犬からなる救助隊を神戸に派遣してくれたんだ。着いたらすぐに救助活動を始めるつもりでね。ところが、関西国際空港に着いたら、救助犬を検疫所で3日間待機させるように言われたんだって。これほどの緊急事態に、どうしてそんなお役所仕事でじゃまをしないといけないんだろう?犬たちが検疫所からやっと解放されたと思ったら、今度は「みなさんはホテルに泊まっていただきますが、犬は近くの公園で休ませてくださいね」って、言われたんだって。でも隊員たちは「もし犬たちが公園で寝ないといけないのなら、私たちもそうします」と言い返したんだって。海外からの救援の申し入れが全部で60件あったけれど、そのうち40件はなんと日本政府が断ってしまったそうだ。




Letter from BADGER 122

What a difference the years make. In 1995, Kobe suffered a huge earthquake. Thousands of people died, suffered in- juries or were made homeless. At that time there were few world-wide search and rescue teams especially those with dogs. Switzerland was the exception. Within hours, the Swiss team composed of 25 people and 12 dogs, were on their way to Kobe, intending to start work immediately. However when they arrived at Kansai International airport, they were told that their dogs would have to go into quarantine for three days. How could such urgently needed help be blocked by such bureaucratic red tape? Once that obstacle had been cleared, the Swiss team were told that while its members would be put up i n hotels, their dogs would have to stay in a nearby park. The team reject this saying, “if our dogs have to stay in a park, so will we.” In all, 40 out of 60 overseas offers of help were turned down by the Japanese government.

Fast forward nearly 30 years to the recent 2023 devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. All help welcomed there. Many countries sent rescue teams with dogs to help in the recovery process including, Japan with sent 14 people and 4 dogs and of course Switzerland, ready as usual to go where they are needed. The work is hard with many dogs suffering cuts and bruises from broken glass and sharp metal found in the rubble of collapsed buildings. A dog called Proteo one of 10 dogs sent from Mexico, One dog, Proteo, died after collapsing while in service. He was given a hero’s funeral in Mexico when he returned home.

We need to give credit to these brave hero animals, whether dogs, horses or pigeons, who serve us so faithfully in times of disaster or war.