ハリーのプリンスストーリー / ジェニファー・ノヨラ
預かり始めた頃の様子やイギリスでの生活について、ご紹介します。ハリー王子は貴族らしく気難しい性格でした。これが原因であっという間に東京アークの最長在籍年数となったのです。ハリーを預かり始めて、私たちも一度は諦めることも考えました。ハリーの世話は決して簡単ではありません。大きいし、頑固で怖がり屋、たまに噛む。散歩中は、ハリーに近づき、話しかけてくる近所の人や他の犬を噛もうとすることがあるため、注意が必要です。シャンプーや散歩後の足拭き、触る時間が長すぎると怒って唸る…正直、怖いです。でも…ソファで、私たちの隣に来て枕になってくれるハリー。 私たちの食事中には、頭をそっと膝の上にのせてごはんのにおいををクンクンするけれど、盗み食いは一切しませんでした。お気に入りのボールを出すと、子犬みたいに笑顔でゴロゴロ遊ぶ無邪気なハリー。やっぱり、もうちょっと頑張ってみるか。 日本の古い家は40kgのハリーにとっては狭すぎましたが、何とかなりました。夏は玄関の冷たいタイルの上で、冬はソファの上で丸くなって寝ていました。そのうち近所の人もハリーを可愛がってくれました(遠くから)。散歩中は、長時間動かないくせがあるため、“あのまったく動かないワンちゃん”と呼ばれてきて有名に。まあ、王子様って好きにするものだよね。ハリーと一緒に住むことは楽じゃない、本当に大変でした。けれど、王子と一緒に住むことは魅力的なこともありました。預かりを始めて一年半が経った頃、突然海外転勤になり、お別れの日が来ました。
ですが、ハリーはまだ里親が見つかっていませんでした。まさか、こんなに時間が経ってもハリーの飼い主になってくれる人が見つからないとは…。本当に日本に里親になる人がいるのかな?と、転勤が決まった時からずっと悩みました。お年寄りの気難しい秋田犬は無理でしょうか…。アークと数ヶ月話し合い、ついに決めました。やっぱり最初からうちの子でした。ハリーはうちに来てもらおう! 2023年4月にハリー王子がイギリスにやって来ました。今住んでいる家は走り回れるくらい広く、イギリスの暑くならない太陽の下で、いつでも庭でお昼寝ができます。ロンドンでも“動かないワンちゃん”として知られているため、トレーナーを付けてみました。以前は、賢くないし寝る以外は何もしないと言われたこともありましたが、彼は今、毎食時にパズルのおもちゃを使ってごはんを食べ、新しいコマンドをたくさん学んでいます。このおじいさんの心はまだ若い!ハリーをわざわざ日本からイギリスまで連れて来ることが正しかったのか、よく考えるのです。きっとどこかにより良い里親が存在しているでしょうね?
Prince Harry’s Tale / Jennifer Noyola
Harry was surrendered to Tokyo ARK by his former owner in 2018. He was somewhat tightly wound and would react to situations that made him nervous by using his teeth on people and dogs he didn’t know. He wasn’t the sort of dog that could be fostered by just anyone. Handling a dog that weighs over 40 kilos on a walk is also not easy. We struggled not only to find him a forever home, but also to find a suitable temporary foster home. Nonetheless, we were able to keep caring for him in Tokyo thanks to a procession of foster carers. He even found a forever home, but was unable to stay and ended up back at Tokyo ARK.In April 2023, Harry made the journey to the UK to be with his forever family – his foster family of more than a year! They tell Harry’s tale from the beginning of his stay with them:
Prince Harry is an Akita with an attitude. Maybe that’s why he had one of the longest tenures of any animal at Tokyo ARK. We almost gave up on Harry. We very quickly learned why he had spent half his life being carted around to different homes: he’s big, stubborn, scared of strangers, and will bite when he needs to. When we’d go out on walks, we were constantly on the alert, making sure he didn’t get too close to neighbors, other dogs. When we dragged him into the shower for baths, or wiped his paws after walks, or even spent too long petting him, Harry would bare his teeth and growl.
But then he’d curl up next to us on the couch, not minding if we used him as our own fluffy pillow. He’d gingerly place his head on our laps as we ate, staring eagerly at our food but never attempting to steal a taste. And he’d roll around like a silly puppy when we brought out his favorite squeaky ball.
How could we abandon that sweet face? So we continued fostering Harry for the next year and a half, hoping he’d soon find his new home. At 40 kg, Harry barely fit in our tiny Japanese house. He spent his summer days on top of the cool tile of the genkan, his winters curled up on our sofa. Eventually, even our neighbors fell in love with his goofiness (from afar). He became known as the dog that never moves—people always stopped and stared at the giant fluffy dog that sat, endlessly unmoving, right in the middle of his walks. Prince Harry does as he wants… It wasn’t ideal, and it wasn’t easy, but we enjoyed having this grumpy old royalty grace us with his presence.
Then, a job transfer meant it was time to part ways. We moved to the UK at the beginning of this year, and Harry still didn’t have a home.
After all these years, no one would take him… We wondered if he would ever find a family, or if maybe Japan just had no place for an old, moody, reactive Akita. We talked things over with ARK, and in the end decided we’d take one more chance on Harry—by flying him over to live with us!
Prince Harry joined us in the UK in April 2023. He now lives in a house big enough for him to run around without hitting the furniture, with a fenced-in yard where he can spend his days dozing under a sun that never gets too hot. Because even in London he’s still known as the dog that never moves, we’ve sent this old man “back to school”; a dog that everyone told me was dumb and lazy now eats every meal out of a puzzle toy and is learning new tricks at the age of 9. And he’s loving it.
Sometimes I wonder if we made the right choice to bring Harry all the way across the world to live with us, whether we really were the right family to take him in. But in the 2 years I’ve known Harry, I’ve never seen him happier. There’s no point in wondering if we should have waited for someone else to adopt him in Japan — Prince Harry is home, here in London, with us.