タイタンの長い旅 / ミヤ・ナッシュ(タイタンの里親さん)


私たちは彼に愛情を注ぎ続け、タイタンも少しずつ私たちを信頼してくれるようになりました。しかしその数ヶ月後、ニュージーランドに引っ越すことになりました。海外移動を前提にフォスターを始めたため、タイタンを連れて行くことはできずアークへそれを伝えました。 引っ越しの日が近づく中で、悩んでいました。私たちはペットの小鳥も飼っているのですが、制限のためにニュージーランドに連れて行くことができませんでした。しかしどうしても2匹を置き去りにすることができず、タイタンを里親として迎え、一緒に引っ越す決心をしたのです。

膨大な量の手続きを経て、引っ越しの準備が整いました。オークランドに向かう前に、私たちは2ヶ月間、家族や友人に会うためにヨーロッパを周りました。しかし、日本を発つ直前、航空会社から電話があり、動物の輸送を中止するため、タイタンの渡航をキャンセルすると言われたのです。 せっかくタイタンのために尽くしてきたのに……。


朝、水とフードを入れたクレートに入り、チェックインから12時間のフライト、そしてオークランド空港に到着したあともすぐに再会することは叶わず、東京を出発してから10日間、検疫のため隔離を余儀なくされました。 私たちは、タイタンとの再会を心待ちにしていました。タイタンは怖がっていないだろうか?私たちのことを覚えているだろうか?遂に再会の日がやってきました。タイタンが目の前に姿を現したとき、私たちは涙ぐんでいました。しっぽを振りながら、私たちの匂いを嗅ぎまわっていました!車に乗り込む前に散歩に連れ出すと2 週間近くまともに外に出ていなかったので、とてもとても喜んでいました。

シャイで 怖がりなタイタンでしたが、今では手作りごはんとながーい散歩が大好きで、新しい生活にも随分慣れてきました。(相変わらず他の犬との付き合いは苦手ですが…。)彼は幸せな犬で、ボーンを噛んだり、ビーチを走り回ったりしています。アークファミリーに感謝しています。


この記事をいただいた半年後に、 タイタンにがんが見つかり亡くなりました。新しいスタートを切った矢先の訃報に驚きと悲しみでいっぱいになりました。それでも、短い時間ではあっても、愛する家族と過ごした日々はタイタンにとってかけがえのない時間になったと確信しています。


Titan’s Journey / Miya Nash

We began fostering Titan in December 2021. When we got him he was afraid of us, tore up his bed and even tried climbing into the washing machine – it must have been a big shock to his system to be with new people. He had just been operated on so had stitches and a cone around his head.

We grew to love Titan, and he slowly grew to trust us. We decided to foster him temporarily because we knew we were going to move to New Zealand and it would be tough to move a dog as well. Our move got closer and closer. We had a little pet bird too who we couldn’t bring to NZ due to restrictions and we really didn’t want to leave both animals behind. That is when we

made the decision of adopting and moving Titan with us.

After quite a bit of paperwork, we were ready to make the move. Before heading off to Auckland we went to Europe to see family and friends for two months so Titan stayed with a family in Tokyo who kindly offered to take care of him. Just before we left Japan though, we got a call from the airline saying they were going to cancel Titan’s trip because they were stopping the transportation of animals. This was heartbreaking since we had done everything for Titan.

Luckily, he was in the airline’s booking system already – there was no way we would give up now. Mr Shima from Economove, who helped us move Titan worked endlessly to solve the problem, and thank goodness it worked. The big day for Titan had finally arrived.

He got in his crate with water and food in the morning, and stayed there all throughout check-in, the 12-hour flight, and even after he arrived safely in Auckland Airport. He arrived only a few days after we did but he still had to quarantine for ten days, without going outside since leaving Tokyo.

All of us were anxious to see Titan again; after all, we hadn’t seen him for about three months. Would he be scared or nervous? Would he even remember us?

Our eyes got teary when he was taken outside to meet us to be taken to his new home. He was happier than ever, sniffing us all over with his tail wagging! We took him for a walk before getting into the car which he was extremely happy about since he hadn’t been properly outdoors for almost two weeks.

Now, Titan has gotten used to not only humans, but home-cooked meals, long walks, and much affection. He is a happy dog (though socializing with other dogs isn’t his thing), chewing bones and running around the beach almost every weekend.

Thank you to the ARK family.


We were shocked and saddened to hear that Titan passed away just six months after we received this article. We are heartened by the knowledge that he enjoyed a full and happy life with his beloved family, albeit a short one.