ジゲン/篠山アークスタッフ 伊藤大樹
2023年2月8日篠山アークにてジゲンが息を引き取りました。享年18歳の大往生です。自己免疫疾患を抱えながらも、5年前に旅立っ た兄弟犬のゴクウの分も長生きしてくれました。
思えばジゲンは、私がスタッフとして初めて会った時にはもうシニア期に差しかかっていました。食いしん坊で、散歩嫌いの、ワガママで優しいおじいちゃん。トイレのお世話から1日の仕事が始まり、トイレのお世話で1日が終わるのが篠山の日常であり習慣となっていたため、まだそこにジゲンが居ると感じてしまいます。それはなじみ のボランティアさんも同じで「扉を開けたらまだいてそう」と皆さん口を揃えておっしゃいます。
Jigen Hiroki Ito (Sasayama staff)
On February 8, Jigen took his last breath at our Sasayama Facility. He was 18 years old. Jigen battled auto-immune issues to live a very long life, not just for himself, but also for his brother Goku, who died five years ago.
Jigen was the only dog that had been in Sasayama since the facility was opened in 2014. He was the face of Sasayama ARK. He was loved by all for his warm nature and cartoonish face.
Jigen was the only dog that held the keys to Sasayama: he walked around at will, asking staff and volunteers for treats and took naps whenever he wanted to. We still feel his presence.
Jigen was already an older dog when I joined the staff. He loved his food and hated walks – he was a feisty old guy! I used to start and finish each day with Jigen’s ablutions, so I really feel that he is still with us. Regular volunteers also
all say the same thing: “we still expect him to be there when we open the door”.
Jigen was a huge part of the fabric of Sasayama. The multitude of colourful flowers and incense on his altar attests to that.
It is sad that Jigen had to end his days at the shelter, but I take comfort in the fact that he was well-loved by everyone. Those who mourn his death know his life was worthwhile.